Monday, December 14, 2009

Dog Training Videos: How to Teach Your Pooch Accurately

Sometimes, it is not enough to read the things you need to do in training your dogs. Reading does not always result to effective application. You may overlook some details that can only lead your dog training courses to failure. It is after all impractical to pay for a dog trainer if you can actually do the task yourself.

Because we all live in a high tech world, all of the methods in getting several things done successfully are now shown in videos. A dog training video is also now available for troubled dog trainers who can not do things the right way.

These kinds of videos are best for amateur dog trainers who are not good in visualizing what they have read in books and helpful articles. Sometimes, even if the instructions are already clear, some owners still tend to imagine something slightly different from what is written. These training clips can guide you on how to react whenever your pet fails to do the correct thing or how to reward it with food treats and cheerful compliments.

The training videos will also show how some training equipment are employed. For instance, in dog leash training, the clips can show you what appropriate materials should be purchased for your pooch. If you are clueless on how to correctly utilize a retractable leash, then a dog training video can surely come to your rescue. These videos can also teach you the right tone for scolding your pets. A video can help you mimic the expert trainer's tones and gestures accurately. With training clips, the owner is guided well and problems brought about by dog training are lessened.

These clips are also best for people who are too stubborn to read books. A book which contains 30 pages about dog training can be shortened into one to two-hour dog training clips which are definitely a lot effective.

Dog training videos can be obtained from the internet. You can watch them through several sites which offer varying videos uploaded by different users. Sometimes, a how-to article is also accompanied by a how-to video, but you should be warned that not all videos are made by professional trainers themselves. Some dog owners share what they have discovered through these dog training clips.

If you want to acquire a copy of a canine training clip made by an expert dog trainer, then you should purchase one. These dog training DVDs are actually affordable. You may order these clips as a set, each containing specific dog training courses you should learn by heart. You can also buy one at a time if you find buying a DVD set expensive. These videos can be purchased via the internet or in your favorite media stores.

Make dog training easier by watching a dog training video. Not only are you spared from the boring task of reading a book, you are also saved from the possibility of getting things done incorrectly. Of course, you would not prefer doing the latter.

Article referenced from by Fatima Edris

Importance of Dog Training Video

Dog training videos are created to assist owners and trainers to better train their dogs. With the help of visual aids and a step by step guide, training your dog should be easy. Training dogs in general requires a lot of time, effort and patience. Just like humans, some dogs learn faster than others. Make sure that your program is suitable for your dog. With the help of modern technology, dog training videos are also available through the internet. Some trainers or owners try to download these videos so that they can effectively train their dogs. Some dog training school offers a dog training video after the whole session so that the owner can do some follow up and recap with their dogs personally. Recap is important so that your dog will constantly remember the trainings.

There are so many kinds of dog training video and that is why it is important for you to determine as to what kind of training your dog needs. Some training might only cover the obedience training, tracking, agility and the likes. Some dog training videos even come with the basic background of dog's behavior and makers of these kinds of videos believe that learning some basic background on dog's behavior will help trainers understands the nature of dogs better. Make sure that your dog has fully mastered the old tricks or trainings before you continue teaching your dog some new tricks again. Dog training videos are only created to assist trainers in doing a step by step training. However, the hard work and determination will have to come from the trainer himself. Do not get swayed by the entire offer, stick to your desired programs for your dog. Remember one step at a time. You cannot bombard your dog with tons of lesson each session.

                                                 DOG TRAINER PRO

In order for you to properly select as to what dog training video suits your dog best is to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your dog first. This way you can start enhancing your dog's strengths and follow through his weaknesses. If you happen to own a toy dog, do not expect the dog to be as agile and as aggressive as the guard dogs. Although all dogs may have some common traits, you still have to understand that each breed of dogs have their own uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses. Some dog training video also teaches the appropriate attitude to dog owners when it comes to teaching their dogs. Most of the dog training videos will advice all trainers and owners not to hit their dogs because this will not help at all. Rewards prove to be the most effective means or approach to training dogs. Dogs are like kids. They like being rewarded. Dogs are very sensitive and are keen to their owner's feelings. If you are a good owner or trainer, the dog will forever stay loyal to you. Another dog training advice on how your dog can enjoy each training session is to include some play time.

Article referenced from by Fatima Edris

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dog Training - Essential Commands

An outline of the essential commands you should teach your dog with any training course. They will help to establish the relationship between you and your dog:

The first few commands that you teach your dog, will probably be the most important and useful ones that they will ever learn. Since teaching a dog to follow commands can sometimes be a lengthy process, most trainers agree that basic orders should be taught at an early age. In this article I am going to explain to you the commands which I used to train my rottweiler puppy. I found that these commands are necessary for all types of situations and if taught correctly they will ensure the safety, security, and stability of your dog and anyone they interact with. If you own a rottweiler, or are interested in my own experience with training my own dog feel free to read my blog on rottweiler training.

The "Sit" Command
Probably the number one command taught in every dog training course is to sit. Teaching your dog is important for a variety of situations. When your dog meets neighbors or friends he might try and jump on them (a common problem with untrained dogs). Another instance is during feeding time, dogs get anxious when they see you holding their food bowl and will try and jump to grab it out of your hand. If you teach them to sit, any time they become over excited in a situation it is a command that will be extremely helpful.

The "Down" Command
When your dog becomes very disruptive especially when you have guests or doing something that you need to concentrate on you need to teach them the "down" command. Down is one step further from the sit command. Down means telling them to lie down on the ground and remain there quietly. Although it seems a bit of an extreme command, it is useful when you need some peace or your dog begins to irritate your guests.

The "Stay" Command
Teaching your dog to stay will probably be the next best thing you can do. When you take your dog for a walk and you need to catch your breath you probably won't find it helpful if he or she continues to tug on the leash. If you prefer to take your dog without a leash (although a leash may be required in some states) this should probably your main priority. You don't want your dog to be running off and you scrambling after them to try and prevent them from disturbing anyone else. Teaching them to stay by your side, or in a specific position will save you from a lot of trouble when they become adults.

The "Come" Command
Another good command you will need when you take your dog for a walk is the "come" command. When he or she starts to chase random animals that you encounter, you will need to convince them not to run away but instead to return to you. Using the "come" command will also help you around the house if you cannot find it. The goal should be to have him associate the word "come' with returning to you.

The "Easy" Command
"Easy" is a general command for when your dog becomes rowdy or hyperactive (especially helpful with rottweilers). This commonly happens when they are taken out for a walk and tug continuously on the leash. Teaching them "easy" means that they should relax in a given situation and slow the pace down of whatever they are doing. It can also be used when meeting guests or other dogs, which might trigger some aggression with your own dog.

Although these are only a handful of commands that your dog should know in order to make them less disruptive, as I found out with my own rottweiler, they will set the stage for what is to come later on in dog training. Your dog will begin to understand that they have a responsibility to listen to you and follow your expectations.

By Stephen Elias
Published: 11/11/2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Keep Your Dog Safe During the Holidays.

Everybody is coming and going, parties and dinners are in abundance and your dog is going crazy with all the activity. Keep your pet in mind when entertaining.

Here is the first scenario: Doorbell rings and people arrive. Your dog bounds to the door to greet them, jumps all over the guests and as they are filing in, your dog runs outside and into the street.

Second scenario: You have all these goodies out on tables awaiting the arrival of your guests. Chicken wings, chocolates, alcoholic egg nog, etc. You go to get dressed and your dog decides to be the taster.

Third scenario: Your dog is well behaved around people and loves to interact with them. You have no problem allowing him to join the party. However, your guests can't resist giving your pet a sample of what they are eating. Who can resist those big, soulful eyes?

The above examples show how a happy party can turn disastrous for you and your dog.

Food we humans find delicious (and so does your pet), can be fatal to your dog. Alcohol, chocolate, chicken or turkey bones and many more can cause a gastric nightmare or worse. Also, the decorations around your house can be a temptation to your pet, such as electric cords, Christmas tree water with preservative in it, tinsel, tree ornaments, live holiday plants, the list goes on.

So how do you keep your pet safe and enjoy holiday entertaining? Over the years we have encountered the above problems and our own home and at friends and family parties.

The best thing we have found is before your guests arrive and you put out the holiday goodies, sequester your dog in another room with water, a toy and some soft music to help soothe him. The music volume should be at medium level, to help distract him from the noise of the party.

If your pet is very well trained and use to the excitement of holiday activity, allow him to stay and celebrate with you and your company. However, let your guests know not to feed your dog any of the party food or drink. If they want to give him a treat, then keep a bowl of his favorite dog goodies handy so your guests can give them out to your pet.

After the festivities, clean up your house immediately or at least put all the plates and such on a high counter to take care of the next morning. If you do clean up after, make sure the trash is secured and not where your pet can get into it.

The holidays should be a happy time for all, including your dog. So practice keeping your pet safe this holiday season just as you would your children.

And don't forget to tell Santa what your dog would like under the tree. Our dogs enjoy unwrapping their presents Christmas morning (ripping the paper, actually) and then trotting away with their prize to chew or play.

We wish a safe and happy Holiday season to all our two and four legged friends and family. May the Season bring you peace and joy.

                            "Let's Get This Party Started!"

Many of our family and friends have asked our advice about their dogs and suggested we put together a website for tips, help and fun pages for dog owners. So we did. If you found this article helpful, you can view more information at

Article Source:

Dog Obedience Training: 3 Big Mistakes.

Puppies are cute, but unless they are trained well, they can grow up to be very disagreeable. Responsible dog owners need to invest time in training their pup. Oftentimes most people make the same mistakes when training, especially with their first dog. Below you will see the top 3 most common mistakes that uninitiated dog owners make when training their new puppy.

1. You do not have to assert your Alpha role by always "punishing" your dog when you call him. I refer here to doing something to him that he does not enjoy doing. For example, it is not a good idea to call your dog, and then clip his nails. Another unpleasant thing for the dog is to have his leash strapped to a post. When you call your dog, let him associate this with something pleasant. Use a cheerful voice, pet him, and tell him what a good dog he is. Let him associate good things with your call, and he will come to you every time. He will also be trusting of you during unpleasant tasks like having his nails clipped.

2. Do not presume that a dog will eventually grow out of bad behavior; it is simply not going to happen. You are the Alpha, and you must assert that. A dog wants to be trained, and he wants to live comfortably in your home. This is best possible when he knows the house rules. So from the start, take time to teach your dog what is, and is not acceptable behavior at home.

3. Do not hit your dog as a method of training. This will only make your dog aggressive, or at the very least, a submissive wetter. Instead, focus on reinforcing good behavior with doggie pats and rewards. The best dog is a happy dog.

Article Source:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dog Obedience Training - Punishment is Not the Answer for Bad Dog Behavior!

Some people mistakenly think that kind and firm solutions reward their dogs for bad behavior and that the only way a dog can learn is to suffer. More often than not, the "solution" for the dog's misbehavior is really misplaced anger or a desire to hurt the dog for hurting you. That's what happened with Francie, who left her new puppy Cody, an American Eskimo dog (a very attached breed who needs attention), home alone for long hours while she went to work. Her little dog was bored and teething, so he entertained himself by chewing on Francie's shoes. Little did he know that his entertainment would make his mom so angry. When Francie walked in and saw one of her $200 shoes in Cody's mouth, she saw red. She pulled the shoe away from him and hit him with it over and over, yelling, "No, no, no! Bad dog, bad dog!" Cody slunk away with his tail between his legs and hid under a chair. Francie grabbed him and threw him outside saying, "You think about what a bad boy you've been." Right!

If Francie thought her dog training methods would stop Cody from chewing on her shoes because she "taught him a lesson," she was soon disabused of the notion when, the next day, he chewed another pair of her best shoes. No amount of yelling and hitting seemed to get through to the little pup.

The Pup Parenting Plan was very simple for Francie.

The dog behavior that bothers me: Chewed up shoes.

Why change is needed: Shoes are expensive and I can't afford to keep replacing them.

The mistake I am making: Every one of them. I am reactive, disrespectful, punitive, and I talk too much. When she stepped back and looked at the problem objectively, she knew that chewing a shoe is not bad dog behavior. It is normal dog behavior. The faulty behavior is leaving the shoe in the dog's reach in the first place. Francie could see that it does not make sense to punish a dog for normal dog behavior, nor does it make sense to assume a dog will learn from punishment. Have you noticed that most pooch parents initially respond just the way Francie did? They punish their dogs for chewing the shoe instead of simply removing their shoes from the dog's path.

A list of possible solutions: I don't have to brainstorm for a list of solutions. It's obvious that I must keep my shoes out of sight and provide appropriate chew toys. Instead of brainstorming, she acted:

She went to the store and found a shoe rack that hung on the back of her closet door and put all of her shoes in the rack.

She also bought a lot of soft stuffed animals at the secondhand store and set them out for Cody to chew. Each animal cost 50 cents — a bargain compared to her shoes. Francie tried rawhide strips, but Cody never liked chewing on them. He preferred something soft, like the shoes, so the stuffed animals were a great substitute and a much better solution than releasing all one's anger at a dog.

Choose a solution and follow through: Having a well-thought-out plan made it easy for Francie to follow through. She kept her shoes out of Cody's sight, and she never lost another shoe.
Try to imagine what your dog is thinking while being swatted with the shoe. Do you think he is thinking, "Thank you for caring about me so much that you want to hurt me to teach me right from wrong"? It is more likely that your dog is hurt and totally confused -- but amazingly, still loves you.

Francie didn't feel good about hitting Cody and yelling at him. She shook her head at how much she and Cody had suffered because she didn't take the time to think the problem through. She liked herself a lot better when she was less angry and had a respectful plan. Kind and firm proactive pooch parenting was much more her style.

If Cody could talk, what would he say? "I loved the game that Francie used to play with me. I would chew her shoe, she would give me lots of attention, I got to go outside and play in the yard, and when I came back in, she had already left another shoe for me to chew. Oh well, now I have my own special toys to play with.

Please Don't Bite My Blue Suede Shoes!

Excerpt from the book Pup Parenting
by Lynn Lott, Jane Nelsen and Therry Jay

Dog Training Tips: Dealing with Dog Separation Anxiety

Dog separation anxiety is a major problem with many dog owners. Out of all of the dog behavioral problems out there, anxiety forms a big chunk of the pie. Why do dogs become anxious and what can we, as owners, do about it? The answer requires some study and research, but in a summary, here is what I feel that you can do to help your dog's problems. Good luck and follow these steps.

Got an anxious dog?
You won't if you just...A dog that is left alone for long periods of time is obviously going to be lonely. This is very easy to combat. Do not leave the dog alone for so long. There, that didn't take rocket science did it? If you are not able to keep your pet company throughout the day, simply leave the television or radio on. The animal needs to know that something is there other than itself. Loneliness is one of the easier issues with anxiety.

Many pets cannot comprehend that your leave will mean a return (hopefully). For dogs and cats, an owner who has left is a very fearful thing, until they learn your routine. How can you train your dog to know that you are only going for a short period of time and that it is ok to be left alone? I will touch upon that in a second but first, what are some other signs your dog is anxious?

Signs of separation anxiety include a number of other related behaviors. Chewing, peeing on the rug, trying to dig under the door, and barking are normally the most found side effects of dog anxiety. If you come home and can see any of these signs, you will know that your dog is becoming anxious. Take the steps needed to prevent the behavior from getting worse.

You can train your dog to live on its own for a while by not being so cozy with the pet whenever you leave the house. What I mean by this is to not have a long drawn out good-bye session with pooch. It will make the dog think that you are praising it for whining and being anxious. Leave the house without saying a word. Make sure to leave food and water for your pet, as well as a couple of its favorite toys. Toys can keep an animal occupied for longer than you may think.

It is also suggested to confine the dog to a certain portion of your house. The reason for this is that you do not want an unruly dog to have the rule of the house. Upon your return, you may not recognize the place. So with that said, make sure to leave the dog in a room or in a crate. I would suggest a room if that is possible.

These are just a few tips that you can use to help combat this behavior your dog may be experiencing. It is also very important to practice leaving the room, house, or place where your dog stays, as a dog training method. The more your dog realizes that it is alright to be left alone, the less anxiety you will see from it (if this is the only problem). Give your dog training time a few weeks and you should see a great improvement in your pet's behavior.

Excerpted from DogTrainingGuide.Org

Friday, November 6, 2009

Dog Obedience Training In Home: Dog Training Tips

A huge benefit of training your dog in home is that it saves you time. Taking the time to train your dog now, will actually save you time in the long run. For example, if you take the time to train your dog to behave properly inside the house, you will actually be saving time cleaning up mischievous messes that he or she could create in the future without proper training

Training your dog is a process that takes some time, some patience, and some professional assitance. You will find home dog training courses in the form of ebooks or videos, written and produced by professional dog trainers, that can be a great resource. Following them on your own schedule in the comfort of your own home, you can learn all the basic commands: sit, stay, heel, down, come. You will even find that such courses can help you to correct specific behavior problems you might be having, whether your dog is knocking over every visitor who walks in the door or barking through the night. Many offer consultations with the trainer so you can get professional advice on your own specific problems-all.

                               Do It Yourself Dog Training

Tips for Training Your Dog In Home are presented below:

•House training your dog calls for the support of your whole family member. Best dog training comes from consistency in you and your family conduct towards the dog by knowing and following the routines and understanding the rules set forth for the dog.

•Set time aside for your in home dog training "class" just as you would for a class with a professional dog trainer. Try to schedule your home training for a time when you are rested and not rushed.

•Exercise your dog before you begin your dog obedience training.
•Prepare some small training treats before you begin the training.

•Remove distractions, from cell phones to the kids. Turn the phone off, pop on a video for the kids, and turn your attention to the class just as you would if you were in a group class with a dog professional trainer.

•It is much easier to set up new good habit than breaking an old bad habit. So instill new habit instead of trying to remove your dog bad habit, it is surely takes a lot more effort, whenever you can always establish good habit from the start, when you can't dispose the old bad habit, try to replace the old habit with new and more exciting habit for your dog.

•Set aside consistent locations for your dog, such as potty place, sleeping place, etc. Don't change these location as it may confused your dog. Dogs not only need consistent schedule and command, they also need consistent place. This is the essence of best dog training for in home dog obedience classes.

Sourced from:
Author: Sean Whitton

Online Training Courses - Dog Obedience Training Videos

Are you a dog lover like me and your dog is a disaster? Well, you're not alone, my dog didn't know how to behave. I've tried many ways of teaching it not to brake things, or do some tricks but I couldn't succeed.

After reading many electronic books about dog training, dog problems, dog obedience, I finally decided to try something new - dog obedience training videos and I must say that they rock! It is always better to learn using videos.

                                  Secrets to Dog Training

I've found a great dog training resource here - Dog-Training-Online.Info

So don't hesitate and visit their web site, you'll save lot's of time and money! Results are guaranteed!

Dog obedience training videos are a good way to help you understand your pet. Also, your pet will be happier than ever, because dogs love to get rewarded after making the trick you ordered.

Dog obedience training video is the best way to learn and teach your dog behave properly.

Sourced from:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dog Obedience Training - Not As Hard As People Think.

Many dog owners have the impression that dog obedience training is difficult to do and that is best left for professionals. What they have to realize is that it will be so much better for them and their dogs if they will conduct the training themselves. You do not have to be a master in animal psychology or have years of experience in order to train a dog. With a good guide on dog training that you can get online, lots of patience and of course your time and attention, you can easily train your dog to become the obedient companion that you want him to be.

For dog obedience training to work, you need to be familiar with a dog's learning process. The common mistake of many dog owners is that they expect their dogs to learn the way humans do. When training dogs, you need to repeat the lessons over and over. This is the reason why it was mentioned earlier that you will need patience in training your dog. The whole process of dog obedience training is centered on repetition. You should also strive to conduct the training sessions at around the same time each day. This will help develop consistency.

It is also important to stick to a lesson until the dog catches on. If you will drop out in the middle of an important lesson, then it may become harder for your dog to understand the lesson, if you decide to come back to it again another time. Apart from patience, you also need commitment, when it comes to dog obedience training.

These are just some of the things you need to know about dog obedience training.

For more information on handling dog obedience training, as well as a great deal of detailed information on a host of other common dog behavior problems, check out "Secrets to Dog Training". It's a complete owner's guide to owning, rearing, and training your dog, and it deals with all aspects of dog ownership. Go to: => for more information on the "Secrets to Dog Training" and to get your FREE 5 "Dog Training Myths' Report.

Article Source:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Service dogs are used in many capacities from helping individuals gain greater independence in their personal lives through assisting workers in the important roles of their daily jobs. Dogs are used to guide the blind and deaf. Dogs are also used in support therapy for people in nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, day care centers and special needs schools to bring comfort and companionship to the young, elderly and disabled. "Cell Dogs" are trained in prison for the purpose of inmate rehabilitation. Canines are used as guard dogs, rescue dogs, police dogs, and military dogs and in many other services.

Working Dogs Guide (CA)

Just about any dog of good disposition can become a service dog. However the most common breeds selected are German Shepards and Labrador Retrievers. In some instances shelter dogs can make very good candidates. Whatever the breed, each dog must demonstrate certain abilities such as friendliness, staying calm, sitting on command, behaving well with other people and animals and ignoring distractions.

At a minimum, service dogs must have four-to-six month of basic dog obedience training and leash training. From there each dog goes through twelve-to-eighteen months of service-specific training for their projected role. Dog training is labor-intensive for both the dog and the trainer. When the training is complete placement is still not guaranteed. The final training phase is with the potential owner and can last from two-to-four months.

Service dogs provide many benefits to their human counterparts. Guide dogs to the blind and deaf assist people with daily living including grooming, mobility, household tasks and emergency alerts. Therapy dogs who visit the disabled and infirmed have been shown to bring relief from boring routines to the residents, add a distraction from pain, illness, depression, and homesickness; and lower blood pressure. Police, Military and Guard Dogs and all other dogs that fall under the category of protection dogs are trained to defend their handlers and territory.

While appreciating the value of service dogs espoused in this article, you may be asking what does the training of service dogs have to do with the dog obedience training of my pet? Your dog has more in common with service dogs than you think… If raised in the proper environment your dog should be trained in basic dog obedience commands and leash trained.

In many instances families have trained their dogs in basic service: barking at the sight of strangers, alerting parents if babies cry, ringing a bell at the door to go in or out of the home, fetching beverages from the refrigerator and some heroic acts such as calling 911 in a crisis situation. People can get quite inventive at what they train their dogs to do …

Many of us have trained our dogs to be our heroes. This website gladly welcomes you to share your story. Let us know what your dog has done to save you or at least help you on a daily basis. Our pets serve us in many ways everyday and we don’t realize it. Take a look at your dog and his/her contribution to you family and share it with us today!

If you would like to read more about the role and training of service dogs there are a few good websites: Working Dogs and Working Dog Web. For videos related to traditional dog obedience training programs there are some quality online resources. One such resource is "Secrets to Dog Training" which comes in digital download format. Another top-selling resource available in digital download format is "Dog Trainer Pro". For a complete training and nutrition regimen for your dog you may want to purchase "Dog Food Nutrition Guide" which is available in e-book and audio format.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dog Obedience Training: Rewarding Successful Students and Trainers With Pet Gifts.

Dog training can be challenging for both the trainer(s) and the dog. But once success is achieved it is most likely that you will want to reward you canine campanion and any “training assistants” for a job well done. Buying gifts for dog lovers and other furry friends fall into two main categories -- pet gifts and people gifts.

Before buying gifts intended specifically for dogs there are a few important things that you should know about the dog:

** what is the general health and lifestyle of that dog
** is it a dog that is big or small
** is it a younger or older dog
** is it an active or passive pet

Food-related items or treats are generally not good ideas as dog gifts should the pet have allergies or digestive problems. Stick to toys related to the dog’s type and lifestyle.

If you are looking for a dog gift for that special someone who adores animals or perhaps a deserving animal friend, here are a few points to consider. Know the dog breed and specific preference of the person you are buying for. Rat terrier gifts are not good for pitbull owners. General pet themed gifts such as mugs, T-Shirts, calendars, etc. can be the most delightful and useful gifts for pet lovers.

Animal Den Beach Bum Tee

Do you know anyone who says, "I want to be a vet when I grow up!"? There are many educational toys out there for aspiring vets -- from toddlers to teens. Before buying any of the vet and science dog gifts for kids, be sure that they are age appropriate for the safety of the child and the pet as s/he may choose to "examine" the dog with their new educational toy!

If you are looking for some neat places to find dog gift or gifts for dog lovers I can recommend two websites and Whatever gift you select it shows your love of the pet to your family and friends. That is the most precious gift of all!

Dog Obedience Training Tips: From Monster to Marvel!

Are you a pet lover? Do you spoil your for-legged baby to death? Just remember, the sweetest dog can turn into a monster in a matter of weeks if not properly trained. Your canine companion can ruin everything from your favorite shoes to your bags to your clothes and your bed sheets to your curtains and your pillows. And that's just in one day! Think of Marley and Me ...

A badly behaved dog can also pose a risk to your children and family - especially larger breed dogs. Energetic puppies are notorious jumpers and they can knock down small children and frail elderly people causing needless injury. Dogs can also decide to use your house as a bathroom. They can snap at any one and every one if they become food aggressive and are not taught proper eating behaviors through obedience training.

Do you wish there was a way of teaching them not to do these things? Bad behavior is not genetic it is learned. It stems from a number of sources. Anxiety. Lack of Attention. Lack of Exercise. Pampering. Improper Nutrition. And, bad behavior can be just as readily unlearned through obedience training! It is a matter of commitment and time on a regular weekly basis...

Proper Dog Obedience Training Techniques will let your pet develop a healthy respect for your while you instill positive behaviors in your pet. It doesn't matter how old your dog is! You don't need to have a past knowledge of dog obedience training. You can learn to terminate your dog's disobedience very quickly. In minutes, you can convert your worst enemy into a best friend again – the pet that you love!

Proper Training Techniques will help eliminate many of the following behaviors:
· Pulling On the Leash - Do you feel like your dog walked you when you get back from walking your dog? Learn how to teach your dog to stop pulling on the leash!
· Chewing On Everything - Finally, be able to stop your dog from chewing on and destroying everything you own!
· Harassing Cats - Do you or a neighbor have a cat that is constantly being harassed by your dog? Learn how to stop this!
· Fighting Other Dogs - Is your dog aggressive towards other dogs, or has a bad habit of fighting other dogs? Learn how to stop this dangerous habit!
· Biting People - Does your dog nip or bite at other people? Learn how to stop this scary habit!
· Eating Feces - Does your dog eat feces? Learn how to stop this disgusting habit!
· Running Out the Door - Does your dog bolt out the door as soon as it is opened?
· Scared of Loud Noises - Does your dog get scared by loud noises? Learn what's causing this and how to stop it!
· Pulling Out Their Hair - Is your dog pulling out his/her hair? Learn what's wrong, and how to stop this!
· Biting Himself/Herself - Does your dog always seem to have a spot where he/she is constantly biting or nipping himself/herself? Learn exactly what to do to stop this!

Alternatives to traditional in-class and expensive dog obedience training programs are some quality online resources that can provide you with the tools you need to learn the proper dog obedience training techniques to teach your dog to become a well-behaved companion. One such resource is "Secrets to Dog Training" which comes in digital download format. Another top-selling resource available in digital download format is "Dog Trainer Pro". For a complete training and nutrition regimen for your dog you may want to purchase "Dog Food Nutrition Guide" which is available in e-book and audio format.

Why waste hundreds of dollars on the old-fashioned dog obedience training programs when you can have the benefit of saving all your resources and getting more effective results? Why wait? Check these dog obedience training products out and buy one today! These programs work with any dog breed and will let your dog be the faithful friend of the family he or she can be!