Friday, November 13, 2009

Dog Training Tips: Dealing with Dog Separation Anxiety

Dog separation anxiety is a major problem with many dog owners. Out of all of the dog behavioral problems out there, anxiety forms a big chunk of the pie. Why do dogs become anxious and what can we, as owners, do about it? The answer requires some study and research, but in a summary, here is what I feel that you can do to help your dog's problems. Good luck and follow these steps.

Got an anxious dog?
You won't if you just...A dog that is left alone for long periods of time is obviously going to be lonely. This is very easy to combat. Do not leave the dog alone for so long. There, that didn't take rocket science did it? If you are not able to keep your pet company throughout the day, simply leave the television or radio on. The animal needs to know that something is there other than itself. Loneliness is one of the easier issues with anxiety.

Many pets cannot comprehend that your leave will mean a return (hopefully). For dogs and cats, an owner who has left is a very fearful thing, until they learn your routine. How can you train your dog to know that you are only going for a short period of time and that it is ok to be left alone? I will touch upon that in a second but first, what are some other signs your dog is anxious?

Signs of separation anxiety include a number of other related behaviors. Chewing, peeing on the rug, trying to dig under the door, and barking are normally the most found side effects of dog anxiety. If you come home and can see any of these signs, you will know that your dog is becoming anxious. Take the steps needed to prevent the behavior from getting worse.

You can train your dog to live on its own for a while by not being so cozy with the pet whenever you leave the house. What I mean by this is to not have a long drawn out good-bye session with pooch. It will make the dog think that you are praising it for whining and being anxious. Leave the house without saying a word. Make sure to leave food and water for your pet, as well as a couple of its favorite toys. Toys can keep an animal occupied for longer than you may think.

It is also suggested to confine the dog to a certain portion of your house. The reason for this is that you do not want an unruly dog to have the rule of the house. Upon your return, you may not recognize the place. So with that said, make sure to leave the dog in a room or in a crate. I would suggest a room if that is possible.

These are just a few tips that you can use to help combat this behavior your dog may be experiencing. It is also very important to practice leaving the room, house, or place where your dog stays, as a dog training method. The more your dog realizes that it is alright to be left alone, the less anxiety you will see from it (if this is the only problem). Give your dog training time a few weeks and you should see a great improvement in your pet's behavior.

Excerpted from DogTrainingGuide.Org

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